Tuesday, November 26, 2013

All by myself

   Tonight just about everyone but like 10 people (exaggerating) left to go home for the holidays. I am stuck on campus for the night due to a late class. So what is a lonely gal to do when she is used to having an abundance of different wonderful friends to chose from to keep her company? Well blogging of course!
   So tonight's agenda consist of doing whatever I feel like free of judgement.
    A.) Singing opera in our dorm showers. AS LOUD AND OBNOXIOUSLY AS I WANT.
    B.) Movie in bed with Christmas lights. (Lets face it assignments arnt due for a week and this young soul isnt feeling up for a trip to the art studio to be productive.)
    C.) Random dance parties for one. Dance moves consisting of a white dad at a barbecue to the next star on step up 5.
   D.) Eating all the snacks! MWHHAHAHA.... all that's left is oatmeal... MAYBE NOT.
   E.) I suppose I should add packing somewhere in the list

Thats all I can think of... Better get started! So heres to thanksgiving break! Its gona be fantastic.

Also my RA is still here... guess I have to behave a little.

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