Christmas Eve is one of the most humbling nights of my life. While my parents are down stairs preparing for the next morning I spend my night doing 2 thing. One Cleaning my room... and Two reading the Christmas story.
The Christmas story has always blown my mind. So many questions run through my head. What was that night really like? How did Mary feel? What did it feel like to feel the savior kick inside of you? Why Mary and why Joseph? Such an imperfect story for a perfect night.
I have to give Mary MAJOR props though. Riding on a donkey 9 months pregnant for miles and miles? You go girl! She inspires me a lot. She was an ordinary girl (like me) called to do an extraordinary thing! I cant imagine what that was like to sit there and feel the savor growing inside of you; feeling it kick and move around. She was so in tune with God that she didn't hesitate once to fulfill his Divine plan. That's the kind of relationship I strive to have. To be ready to go at anytime for what he has called me to do. Her and Joseph both! What a lucky gal she was to find a man like Joseph.
Talk about a man of God! Whew! Girls he has got to be the epitome of men! A godly hero. God trusted HIM to raise his son. Out of all the men on the Earth then and now he picked Joseph. Wrapping my brain around that is hard. If you take a look at the average guy Josephs age in this day and time... yeah.. I know. Hard to imagine your average Joe fathering the savior of the world! Which means that Joseph was equally in tune with his walk with Christ too! How cool is that? I think if I could sum up the type of man I would want to marry Joseph fits the description. I mean if God picked a man like him to raise the most important thing to EVER walk this earth why not strive to marry someone like him? Joseph was perfect by no means. Just a man after Gods own heart. Which is a man who can be after mine.
Raising Jesus had to be a whole different mountain to climb. I wonder if parenting was difficult? I guess because Jesus was perfect there was no discipline needed. How weird is that? I wonder if they freaked out every time Jesus fell as a toddler. I would definitely not want to be responsible for the son of God getting hurt! Did he eat all of his veggies?
I would pay any amount to be a fly on the wall during that time period. I think that so much can be learned from these two TEENAGERS. Yes I said teenagers folks! That's right. You who says my excuse is I'm young? *crunch* <-- that was the sound of me stepping on your toes.. Feels good huh? No excuses. Mary and Joseph had there whole lives ahead of them and something tells me that birthing and raising the son of God was not in their blue print of life. So tonight as you get ready for bed and prepare for tomorrow morning take a minute to grab your bible and read the story of Jesus's birth. Imagine for one second that you are Mary or Joseph and watch two ordinary people live extraordinary lives.
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