Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Resolutions and such.

       Well, Its a new year. Ready or not 2013 has come and I cant help but get sucked into the whole "Lets make resolutions and goals" group of people. So here it is... My Goals for not only the 2nd half of my senior year... but also the first half of my college experience in the fall.

         Goals/Bucket List for 2013:

  1. Successfully keep up with a 365 Photo A Day album on Facebook.
  2. Keep Blogging about life
  3. Start learning a Chopin song, and songs of like composers on the piano.
  4. Learn Guitar
  5. Go on a Road trip
  6. Run a 5K (and really do it this time)
  7. Donate hair to a good cause'
  8. Read the WHOLE bible in a Year
  9. End my senior year on a good hardworking note and start college the same way.
  10. Continue to develop my Photography business and grow more confident in it.
  11. Save money (this will be the toughest of all I bet)

         These were just a few things that I've been thinking of the last few days. I think its important to set goals for yourself, however, I have learned that you must be realistic with your goals in order to keep them. So hopefully I have been realistic with mine and will be able to blog on December 31st, 2013 that I met my goals... no matter how small or petty they seem.

Happy New Year friends.

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