I don't text guys first.
Our generation has become slack in many ways. First off us ladies are starting to take matters into our own hands and are starting to chase after boys rather than to wait and have them do the chasing. We've lowered our standards and compromised our respect levels lowering the bar for males who "want" us. The bible clearly states that husbands (males) are supposed to love, protect, and RESPECT there wives (females). It also states that wives are supposed to submit to their husbands ( males). Does it say chase after, manipulate, take charge, etc.? No. So for those strongly opinionated independent ladies like me your probably saying "submit? Have you seen the male species I live around , I'll die single before that happens"... So what does this have to do with texting?
Well, for years (I'm not crazy ask the older generation) guys have had to work for a date. Girls could play hard to get.. Actually it was understood they would. Guys would have to call first EVERY time, meet the parents , and pretty much be a man in order to get this lovely girls heart. It was just something you did. It was a turn off as we would say if the female was the one calling and perusing and it was out of her character to do it. Guys weren't called Whipped or made fun of because of this either. It was a generally understood concept. Guys chased after girls; girls made them work. So fast forward 30-60 years and here we are with Facebook, texting, and other means of communication. Communication that doesn't require face to face contact OR even an audible voice. Technology has crippled our Social skills enabling us to say things we might not say face to face.
What used to be a phone call is now a text. Teenagers lets be real here... Don't most of our relationships start with texting? Isn't that how we get to know someone? So forgive me if I pull the whole "Guys chase after girls; girls play hard to get" concept from history and don't text males first. Texting has made it so hard to let guys do that.
I don't mind being old fashioned. If that's what it takes to guard my heart and live a happy life. This concept seemed to work for the older generation and those marriages have lasted longer than those in the younger generations.
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