Monday, August 26, 2013

1 week down. 13 More to Go.

    Despite the nasty weather at the beginning of last week there was change in the air. Mom was not there to make sure I got up with my alarm. There was no Chick-fil-a breakfast on the way to my first day of school. There was no new first day outfit. It was me and about 50 pounds of art supplies trekking all the way to the other side of campus and up 2 flights of stairs to my art classes. Unfamiliar faces looked back at me, some offering timid friendly smiles. The syllabi were passed out or emailed and professors wasted no time starting work and assigning homework. I put 8 hours in the studio last week in 2 days.
   All week there were two extremes to my mood. The I love college I'm never going home and the I really just miss my couch and being bored. College is a happening place and there is something going on at anytime of the day you just have to know how to find it.
   I've found these art classes may come to be quite the struggle for me.  I am an artist. Put me in front of a piano or microphone. Put me behind a camera. That is my art. Charcoal in my hand is a foreign object I am not used to. An object that hopefully I will grow to use as a tool for my art. I don't like "the beginning" or the basics. Im a jump right in and let me draw the grand canyon kinda girl. So as I sit here drawing circles or poorly structured gesture drawings due to my lack of knowledge I fight frustration. Frustration that this form of art does not come naturally to me.
  So here is to the first week of college. Heres to Winthrop for capturing my heart in a mere 7 days. Heres to the next 4 years of studio time, learning, and honing in on a new skill. My name is Becky Fuller and I am an Artist.

1 comment:

  1. To be a genius (or an artist) is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration. You know where to find inspiration. Now you have a bit of perspiration to reach your goals!


It's Been A While

 It's been a while since I posted to this little space on the internet I made 5 years ago. I've been spending so much tim...