Thursday, July 31, 2014

Recovery… not what I expected.

Recovery has been nothing of what I expected.

I did the research. I did the prep work. I knew exactly what I was getting myself into. I knew best case scenario and worst case scenario. I had assumed that while this surgery was going to fix my scoliosis it was also going to limit me and make me frustrated.

I have experienced none of this.

I am enjoying every part of recovery (except the extreme boredom). I don't know If I had a tainted view of what spinal fusion was or if I'm still on cloud 9 about finding out I can still wiggle my hips, one thing I am certain of is that Gods hand over me from the day I set the date (June 5th) to this very second right now he has been poured over me.

The worst part of this whole situation has been that my nose ring closed up. Lets be real here. If thats the worst that has happened I can live with it and be happy, because so much more could have happened.

I can honestly look you in the eye and say this surgery is the best thing that has happened to me even with it being 2 weeks out. I feel stronger physically, emotionally, and spiritually despite the fact that I am incapable of lifting a jug of milk right now.

I think when you recover from something so major it brings a confidence and inner strength that you wouldn't have received otherwise. I feel like I can take on the world. (Until I sit up for a while then I remember I had major surgery and should probably rest a bit more before resuming my go get em attitude.)

For the first time in my life I feel straight and its a beautiful thing to me. Not to mention Im going to have this sick scar down my back. How cool is that?

Im at the stage of my recovery where I feel great for the most part. However I am not strong enough yet to be able to get out of the house every day and resume normal activities. Thats a little annoying. Ive watched more episodes of the Duggars and Full House than I care to admit. My couch is covered in pillows with everything I could possibly need within reach. I am a pro at picking things up off the floor with my feet. Life is good.

Thanks so much for all the prayers and support! I can't wait to look back on all this in a year.

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