Tuesday, August 26, 2014

First Day & Recovery at WU

Today classes started on campus and I am 6 weeks post op.

Tuesdays & Thursdays also happen to be my busiest days of the week. (As usual)

If I am being completely honest with you getting through my classes from 9:30 - 6:15 was way harder than I anticipated. I guess since recovery has been so easy for me I was expecting classes to be also. Come lunch time I hit exhaustion and still had 6 hours of classes to go. Not to mention I had a few difficult professors who did not want to accept doctors notes or discuss the measures I needed to comfortably attend class. Oh and buildings that say handicap accessible are NOT conveniently handicap accessible... or even accessible in some cases. Maneuvering the school and avoiding stairs like the plague has been a bit overwhelming and very humorously adventurous when I am not tired or in pain.

Recovery is difficult to explain to people when you look like you are normal and are doing great.
(okay end rant)

BUT! Some positives in my day...

My friends are awesome. As annoying as I feel having to explain my surgery to everyone or constantly have to talk about it because I can't do this or that they have been super helpful.

I think I am going to love my photography class on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Gummy bears have pulled me through two "lows" today. It was a good purchase from the Target.
(Lows being the points of extreme exhaustion and/or pain that hit due to spinal fusion recovery.)
Lastly I just wanted to give a shout out to my friend Rachel who pretty much told me all day that I could make it and when well out of her way to help me through the lows and get everything I needed to class despite her own demanding schedule.

Im holding on to 2 Timothy 4:17
"But the Lord stood with me and Strengthened me."
I think there are some great things in store this semester.

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