Thursday, January 7, 2016

1.7.2016 || A vision of hope.

It's taken my inspiration and dreaming parts of my brain and heart a couple of days into the new year to get to work, but BOOM it hit me.


To create.

Of coming answers of doors that were shut.

Of a new season of celebration.

Of purpose.

Of desire.

A vision of some of the harvest that is to come of the 2 year long season full of battles and attacks from the enemy.

This year I've got a handful weddings booked to photograph.

This year I am walking along side one of my best friends as she plans a wedding for the following year annnnd she is marrying one of my other really good friends!

Im officially done with general education art classes which means from here on out I am all Photography!

This year I am doing an internship... TBA on with whom and when.

This year I am praying that I actually believe and live like God is capable of doing immeasurably more in my life. This year I am continuing to fight fear with faith. This year I am continuing this attitude of True Rest.

Because... God will do immeasurably more.

We do not sit in dark and quiet seasons for no reason.

We are never left with out purpose for the things that go on in our lives.

This year Im not really making a list of things to accomplish, but I have really been inspired by the movie War Room. (If you haven't seen it watch it!) In a nut shell without spoiling the movie it painted a picture of intentionally praying over people and circumstances in our lives, of intentionally pouring scripture over them.

This year I'm intentionally praying over people and circumstances.

Here's to saying good by to 2015 and Hello to all the things 2016 will have to offer.

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